Wednesday 22 January 2020

Puzzle Box

Now as per last week I have been trying to resist buying new clothes recently so of course this Saturday I ended up getting a new dress but it may in part be because I just wanted to conquer actually doing up the button in the back.

As regular readers may know, I have a fondness for vintage stuff, well perhaps clothes from around 1950s to 1980s really and a 1960s style Peter Pan collar is a favourite. Anything with that or the modern equivalent, a smaller, pointed collar (which I often call a Clara dress due to those being the sort that Doctor Who's Clara Oswald wore) I'm a sucker for. This dress in particular was sleeveless and covered in blue and white squares with a white Peter Pan collar. Not really one for sleeveless garments though as I don't like my big, hairy arms. The button at the back though was really tough to get done up and it just involved slipping a small loop over. In the end I gave up and changed back, convinced that I was spending too long in the changing room. I do have a slight fear of people coming into the changing room and catching me changing.

It's possible I bought it just so I could get it done up and feel a sense of satisfaction like I had just completed a puzzle. Why you would specifically need to see that small patch of skin at the back, I don't know. There always seems to be a hidden zip or small button somewhere you need to undo before you can actually get into the dress and even then it does have the feeling of almost being sewn into the thing - which can be quite nice at times. Part of what I love about wearing dresses is that they fit so well. I always seem to be pulling my trousers up despite what belt I have had throughout my life.

One more thing about this week, I was really pleased to discover that Evie Hyde is back writing TG stories (for the last year I see). If you enjoy tales of men and women becoming bitches and bimbos with lots of delicious slutiness and personality switches plus one of my favourite concepts - Role With It - then please check out Evie's Emporium.

Evie's Emporium

Evie's Archive Emporium

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