Sunday 14 July 2013

Cosplay Update #2

Ok, so my Clara dress didn't really materialize after a last minute dash around the shops so I ended up plumping for Amy Pond once again. I did wonder whether I lost my nerve for it within the last year but I ended up enjoying it as always and I had some nice comments about my costume anyway.

I did get something today though but not very feminine though. This was a tie like the one the Tenth Doctor is going to be wearing in the 50th anniversary special. Very pleased with it.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting reading of how you got to this point. I know how you feel - it reminds me very much of when I was doing the same, even down to the tights and the feeling wonderful but also a little sad, and the fear...

    I still get that. But having *less* time to indulge and to go shopping was really helpful for that. These days I end up stalking things in shop windows and then grabbing five minutes or less to get what I'm after - this usually after two weeks of stalking items as I pass in the car.

    In these smash-and-grab trips I don't have time to get embarrassed or feel worried.

    I am also very glad you got good feedback from the con attendees too - you clearly rock the Amy look very much and thus I am jealous!
