Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Well, I've got my big red jumper ready for the Amy Pond thing!

Found it in a charity shop near me and it looks very nice. It was probably the hardest thing to find but now I need a ginger wig, black mini skirt and smoky grey tights. Had a look around but I haven't found anything fitting yet although I should hopefully be able to acquire the rest although the thought of going into a store and buying a black skirt makes me quite nervous so I may try to find it online.

I bought a pair of heels in a shop once and that was nerve-wracking enough but nothing really happened. I think I would prefer being served by women anyway. I bought an ice princess dress from a crossdress website a month ago and of course it wouldn't fit through my letterbox while I was at work. When I got home I found a trail of riddles left by the Post Office designed to lead me to my parcel. For a while I was a little scared I would be 'discovered' but it turned out good. I love the dress though, it fits me so well and I've worn it quite a few times now. I was persuaded by a friend in a chat room to purchase it and I'm glad I did. Maybe I'm better off just dressing for my own fantasies.  

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