Friday 2 January 2015

New Years Day

Well, not much to report for today. New Years Eve was a bit of a let down to be honest because we didn't find anything much to do. I've become a little depressed by the whole changing of the year. I should have more hope I guess but it just reminds me of everything that's happened over the last year. Of everything that happened with my ex-girlfriend I guess it's the sexual side of things that worried me the most. At first I wondered whether it's worth even trying to get into another relationship again, whether I would be able to trust someone not to up and leave no matter how much they profess to like you. At the end of today, I think I have my answer and its more positive than I thought.

Today has been a cloudy, overcast day and I've been hit by a cold which I hope to get rid of by next week. 

One thing I did enjoy tonight was the final episode of the sitcom Miranda and I must give a quick shout out to the wonderful outfit that Stevie wore tonight (right of the picture below). Lovely blouse, shorts and black tights. Eclectic but still stylish. 

Miranda and Stevie toast their finale 

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