Sunday 4 January 2015


Well it's the first day back at work for me tomorrow.

After Christmas there's always that lag towards New Year and then back to work. Whenever I think about it I also feel glad I have a job considering the current climate although that doesn't mean the feeling of sadness goes away. At least it's not sheer dread which is what I used to get with my old job. I'll know that when that starts, that's the end of it for me. Time to move on. I have no plans to at the moment though and at least there's plenty to keep me busy during the coming week.

When I was younger i knew the Christmas holidays were over when my Dad went back to work. holidays meant rolling out of bed, everyone in dressing gowns and something cooked to eat. The minute my Dad was back in a suit and cereal was on the table, that was it or at least it felt like it. These days it feels different although I still seem to have that habit of wishing my days away. i was so happy coming home on Christmas eve but still had the thought of tonight, the last day, at the back of my mind. Still, it hasn't been too bad. I have a bit of a cold at the moment and I've spent the last day curled up on the sofa catching up with The Flash. It's a wonderful little show so far.

At least I've managed to do most of the things I set out to with this time off including keeping this blog up. I apologise for drifting into less girlier subjects but hopefully I should stay more on topic soon.


  1. Well, it's been very nice to share your Christmastime with you, albeit virtually. As for staying on topic, the topic is you, so you made that happen.

    I hope work goes well for you in the coming days, it is an odd time after a holiday!

    Happy New Year!

