Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Convention

Ok, yeah so I totally rocked it.

The convention was a lot of fun in the end. I saw some people I knew from previous years and they had some great guests. I even met Matt Smith, however briefly.

I wore the costume on Saturday night and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. When the time came to put it on I didn't feel as nervous as I have previous times although as I walked down the corridors it did seem eerily quiet and I could hear every step. I still had doubts over the wig and there were so many good Amys about. I looked down at my feet and I was pretty good although looking at the full thing in the mirror my upper body seemed out of proportion with the rest. I didn't have falsies in, by the way. As always you do get the odd comment but I've always been able to handle them which is strange for me since I usually take such things very personally. "Terrifying but brilliant" was how one of the guests described me. I even met up with another 'drag Amy' and we had a few pictures taken that I believe have made it onto Twitter. Well, I kind of requested one sent to a friend of mine to cheer her up. We even had a few dances once the disco started up. Someone requested "Dude Looks Like A Lady" by Aerosmith. Can't think why...

At one point, early in the morning and through my drunken haze I saw a girl in a UNIT uniform. And reader, I married her. Actually no, I didn't even speak to her but I've always wanted to write that line. I've enjoyed the odd kiss at a convention in the past and I seem to put too much pressure on myself by hoping that it might happen again, some small morsel of romantic entanglement to convince me that I may still have a love life one day. Oh, and as for being drunk as well that was no mean feat at £4.40 a pint at the hotel but one rarely left my hand that night as I used it as a kind of crutch. I believe this was only partially down to the alcohol though; having something to hold in my hand somehow helped my nerves although, as I said, I wasn't really that nervous.

Searching back through the wilderness for my point, the dancing girl brought to mind a couple of things. Firstly, that I hadn't noticed the women in drag getting as much attention as some of us guys and I'm not sure whether I should feel a little jealous of that. Secondly, that I would rather be the Doctor's flighty assistant than a soldier any day. There were some lovely female versions of Doctor costumes around too.

Once I got back to my room I almost didn't want to take the costume off and I was really proud of myself that day. It turned out to be one of the highlights of my weekend. I have to admit to feeling quite sad, as I normally do, when I had to leave and it was all over. I've had a couple of days off and it's back to work tomorrow.

Looking back now even after the post I made yesterday, crossdressing doesn't seem as scary as it once was and I'm not sure what this means for me. Maybe I'm finally coming to terms with it.


  1. Great news, you awesome individual of whom I'm not the least bit jealous...

    Seriously, that sounds like a good time all round. I know what you mean about feeling like you don't want to take off the costume - it means that wonderful freedom is over for a little while.

    Also, I know what you mean about having beer as a crutch, but I also know you don't need it if you don't want. Next time, marry the UNIT lady! Seriously, keep that feeling going and ignore the rest - it isn't real, the feeling is.
