Friday 20 May 2022

10 Years On

Tonight is a double celebration as not only is it 10 years to the day that I started this blog but this is also my 300th post which has worked out quite nicely. 

Looking back at my first post I hadn't really begun dressing much at all yet. I was just about to start doing cosplay and I wasn't even thinking of dressing on a regular basis and if so then it would just be for a bit in my bedroom privately with an ice princess dress I was dared into buying online. It's true I never thought I would start dressing en femme. Oh maybe with a willing sexual partner but I was never that good at romance so girlfriends were few and far between in fact my longest relationship wasn't going to happen for another year or so. In fact early on I was told that dressing would be a good icebreaker. So it was a secret I thought I would take with me to the grave but things change and I could see ways that I could do what I wanted and even more so people wouldn't want to punch my lights out or recall in disgust. 

I've tried to keep this blog up as best I can but sometimes life gets in the way. In fact I said I wouldn't turn it into a cap blog and to be fair I still haven't but I have started talking about them more on here and they seem to be popular posts. In fact I think my most popular has turned out to be one linking to a Role Exchanger story. I'm still amazed that so many people from around the world read this and I hope that I've inspired people with it even if it makes just one person consider acting on their impulse to dress or maybe take up crossplay and hopefully see that it's not so bad. 

Looking back I can't believe how far I've come in the last decade and how much better it feels now doing something I never thought I would dare to. Sure it's not gone smoothly and life at the moment isn't perfect but I still don't know what that looks like for me. These days although I still love clothes I'm finding myself with less wardrobe space and looking forward to maybe doing make-up. Hopefully it will be fun finding out. 

Thank you to everyone for reading my digital scribblings over the past 10 years!


  1. Congratulations on the milestones! It really doesn't feel like you've been going a decade at all!

    As for inspiring others: hi, you did me. And, in a way I could never have envisaged myself doing: thank you for that. Good luck with the make-up!

  2. It's been wonderful being able to follow your progress over the last decade+ and you've evolved quite nicely sweetie!

    So glad you are still around. And seeing captions from you still makes me smile!
