Saturday 7 July 2012

My Week #3

Ok, so again I've meant to post different things this week but I've not had time so I thought I would be lazy and do the jumbo update which will probably include a lot of stuff that you're not interested in.

Anyway, I got a Kindle recently which is something I never thought would happen. At first I thought it wouldn't be much use especially for me as I have so many actual books to read already. Over time it became more popular and I suddenly cottoned onto the fact that it's like the book version of an iPod and that really appealed to me. A couple of my friends have also released e books recently and I wanted to support them. My housemate was selling his, so I bought it and have been reading with it all week. I'm really enjoying it although that may just be the novelty. There are so many books on offer now and they seem cheaper and easier to get so I can really see myself using it more.The only trouble was when I tried to download my first book, the billing address on my credit card didn't match my new one. I haven't used Amazon since I moved house last year. So I ended up with a call from the bank which always puts the frights up me since I have been a fraud victim twice before. Still, it got sorted out although they called my old number at first so I had some explaining to do to my parents.

After that I ended up watching Pirates of the Caribbean 4. Now, everyone moans at these sequels but, although the first movie was better, I still really enjoyed this. I went to see The Amazing Spider-Man yesterday and can't say I was that impressed with it. I don't see why we had to have another reboot for a start and although Andrew Garfield is a good actor, his Peter Parker was very furtive and geeky, he's just too much of a pretty boy. Martin Sheen was good as Uncle Ben though but overall it didn't feel fun enough for a Marvel movie.


  1. I got a kindle a while ago and I've found it very useful... however I started to feel bad about not supporting bookshops and driving them out of business so I decided to try and buy some things from the store and download others.

  2. I doubt I'll give up reading proper books but this would make things easier. It's great that you're supporting bookshops, I love going round the second hand ones. Amazon is great but it is killing the more traditional stores.
