Friday 15 March 2013

Pink Library #2: Developing An Addiction

There's still a lot I want to talk about but I can never seem to find the time or I just fear I'll be repeating the same old rants about my lack of a love life and general social skills so here's another Pink Library story and one that I've been enjoying recently.

Developing an Addiction by Trish

I've mentioned before the idea of being turned into a smoker and this continues that as a young man gets addicted to smoking but not just that - it's a very feminine brand which is smoked by the older lady. Now I've always loved a kind of specific transformation, turning into a specific person rather than a type. Say for example being turned by a bimbo girl called Staci into someone jut like her with her mannerisms, language and such rather than A.N. Other Bimbo. Not that I'm against that, you understand. It's all good. I remember when I frequented a chat room years I used to love going back out and coming back in as someone's twin. Dressed just like them and being asked to be 'trained' to be like them.

In this tale, the young man is being taught by Betty to be just like her. The phrase "lamb dressed as mutton" is wonderfully applied here. The mention of Arkwright's store also conjures up a particular image. I'm not sure I like the idea of him becoming Jean's 'wife' but overall this is a wonderful and well written story.

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