Thursday, 25 June 2015

Relative Dimensions

In my last post I talked about dressing as the TARDIS at the next con and I've ordered a few things to help that along, namely a t-shirt and some blue tights.  Now, I've been thinking about possible accessories, maybe even a purse or something to carry about, especially a headband. There are a couple of nice designs around featuring a TARDIS blue lamp on top which would be a nice addition to the outfit...except they all seem to be sold out.

So I've been thinking of making my own little lamp thing. Making things with my hands isn't really something I do that much but I'm still considering it which means I've been looking at yogurt pots in a funny way recently, trying to find one that looks right. No idea how to do the top though, I need some kind of blue triangle thing and at the moment I'm just thinking of some blue card.

Now, there's also a problem with the bottom and I suddenly thought of using a blue ribbon tied around it, maybe in a bow. This is possibly one of the girliest thoughts I've had and it intrigues me how comfortable I am with it now that I consider ribbons and bows and accessorizing in this way. Now, if only I can get someone to lend me a hot glue gun without saying what it's for...

Thursday, 18 June 2015

June Update

I've been a bit up and down recently due to work stuff and general life stuff. I'm still letting fear consume me in nearly all areas of my life. It can make you so tired too. I still intend to try and start dating again at some point. Recently I realised that it would have been my two year anniversary with my ex. I really don't know how to feel about her anymore. I miss her an awful lot though, all the conversations we used to have but I don't think I would want to get back with her. I don't want her as a friend either; that would be too weird. At least I don't see her about that much on social media these days.

 I haven't bought any new clothes recently but I have been dipping in and out of crossdressing as my mood takes me. Hopefully I'm going to be cosplaying again soon at an upcoming convention. I did want to put together a Clara outfit but time has got the best of me although I did have an idea that I might go as the TARDIS if I can get a t-shirt and a few accessories to go with my blue skirt. Very excited!