Wednesday, 20 July 2022

The Capping Years: 2013

The caption I've chosen for 2013 is something a little different which is perhaps why I've selected it. Vancouverite over at Rachel's Haven asked for a twisted wishes type scenario.  There would be a gender change...but with a caveat. In this case you either have large, but fake looking, breasts, a large bum or the dress sense of a hooker once you are outside of the office. As you might be able to tell I loved writing the fashion part of this as I love messing with styles. Never done anything before it before and luckily this was well received so I was proud of it. 

What would you choose? Let me know in the comments...

You Make the Call: Working Girl (1) (2013)

You Make the Call: Working Girl (2) (2013)

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Check-Up #22

After a bit of a bumpy start to the month I'm feeling a lot better about myself now after a couple of experiences this week. 

Cosplay has been a worry for me over the last couple of years particularly whether I still enjoy it. I have no doubt that there are plenty of costumes that I would still like to do but do I have places to wear them and if I do will I be doing it alone? I've attended conventions alone for most of the time I've been doing them and after giving them up for a bit I came back when I started cosplay but that was for the most part doing it with friends. I thought I might just feel a bit lonely. This week however I did attend a convention and took the opportunity to wear my 13th Doctor cosplay and, despite once more having to do a quick change in the toilets, I really enjoyed myself. I even met a former cast member who asked me why I wasn't wearing the wig. Also, if you wish to take any fashion advice from me then I must advise that the current geek threads du jour are a Hellfire Club t-shirt from the fourth series of Stranger Things

I didn't really get a lot of other comments on my costume but I did get some nods from other Doctor cosplayers which was nice and it was a lot of fun walking around with a big swishy coat. Ok, perhaps not the smartest choice given the hot weather but I didn't feel that bad plus I was wearing a skirt so I was cool in other areas and that's something I've learned through crossdressing. It doesn't matter if parts of you are more exposed than usual, covering up elsewhere helps it. Wearing a short skirt or dress? Try a cardigan or knee socks if it gets too cold.  Anyway, back to the costume and it is a decent one for all weathers as you can choose to do without the coat and just go with the t-shirt for the heat but in the cold you can also wear a jumper for a top or a the t-shirt with a long sleeved white top underneath. So anyway it was a largely positive experience so it might be something I continue in the future.

I also forgot how many great artists you get at these things and there are a couple in particular I would like to mention:

Passing one stall I also saw something on display that made me think of this blog and it was a replica Hooters uniform except the top read 'Femboy Hooters'. So far I have resisted buying it but there was a lot of great stuff on there:

Another one I adored was the work of the Retro Draughtsman over at Cult Locations Ink who draws buildings from cult TV and films and I even left with a couple of them. 

Speaking of movies, I watched Enola Holmes recently starring Millie Bobby Brown from the aforementioned Stranger Things as Sherlock's younger sister. A very fun movie but also one including crossdressing as Enola chooses to wear male clothes as a disguise from time to time and one running gag saw her offering money to a couple of men to switch clothes with her. The TG caption writes itself there. To one, a gardener, she even stipulates that he doesn't have to wear the dress and even offers to tie him up to further cover up why his clothes are missing. Tied up and wearing a dress - this must be the best day of his life! Sadly we never saw any shots of the chaps wearing the dresses but you can always hope. 

Finally, I had an event to go to one evening this week and decided to wear a dress to it as it was a hot night. A good choice, as it turns out, as it was nice and cool. Toilets once again played a role as I got changed in one at work and luckily was able to avoid anyone I worked with despite nearly meeting someone at the traffic lights. The event was in a pub so of course I needed to go to the toilet part way through the night and while I was awaiting the single cubicle in the Gents I spoke briefly with a man in there who seemed genuinely confused as to why I was in there rather than in the Ladies. Whether or not he was being nice or really thought I was a woman (reader - I do not pass) I don't know but it was interesting considering the horrible nature of the Trans discourse recently much of which seems to be centred around lavatories. In fact the same discourse has been worrying me of late (too much Twitter I expect) and I nearly didn't dress that night for those same reasons. Life works in funny ways sometimes. 

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Check-Up #21

So anyway a few things that have happened recently. 

Last week I bought a lovely new summer dress. A little short maybe but otherwise fine. I also got a bracelet which looks a little like barbed wire so it's bit punky which is cool. Otherwise I've been a bit preoccupied with my thoughts on dressing for a works party. I thought a lot about it, trying to weight it up, picked out a dress and also sought advice from my friends on social media. The day came and so I stuffed the dress and some jewellery in the suitcase (I was staying in a hotel overnight) and ultimately the time came and I opted not to wear it. Perhaps I need to start a little smaller than the gathering planned. 

I can't say it made me feel more miserable than I think I would have been at a large gathering and as such I didn't feel so self-conscious. I still paint my nails most weeks though so it's not like I don't show that side of myself (this night though they were silver with a coat of glitter on). There is a twist though. I did feel the need to talk to someone about it and the amount of alcohol I had didn't do me any favours but I did end up confiding in a colleague in the end and he seemed ok with it. So I don't know what will happen from here on out so I guess we will see. I was worrying a lot about but I perhaps built it up a little too much in my mind. As a friend of mine said, I had to weigh up how safe and scared I would feel coming out but also the effects on my mental health if I didn't and it's something like that which I had never considered before.